art you know you've arrivedContinued from last week!

You know that you’ve arrived when…

  • People recommend you without you asking them to
  • People start telling your signature stories and your famous quotes (even though they shouldn’t)
  • People say, “When I was in college, we used your book as the textbook for the course.”
  • People say, “I took an idea from your book (or speech) and it turned my life around.”
  • People ask you to write the foreword to their book (not just a recommendation) and the book is published by a real publisher.
  • Reporters call you for quotes
  • The Richard Branson of your industry returns your phone calls and emails
  • The Mark Zuckerberg of your industry retweets your messages
  • You have more followers than people you follow
  • Your internal GPS tells you that you have arrived.

When do you think you’ve arrived?

Dan Janal, author of “Reporters Are Looking for YOU!” helps small businesses get publicity so they can sell more products. My clients get terrific results from my coaching, consulting, done-for-you services and do-it-yourself tools. For info, go to or call me at 952-380-1554.