Question: Who is the intended audience?
Answer: The book is for burnt out executives, laid-off workers, struggling entrepreneurs, and really anyone who wants to supplement their income with alternative revenue streams.  The book covers five main paths to working less and earning more including staying in your current job, becoming a consultant, earning freelance income, running a small business, and generating passive income.  You can stay employed or become self-employed and you’ll still be on your way to working less and earning more than you ever imagined.

Q: What is the book about?
A: It’s easy to get lost in the rat race but you’d rather live life on your own terms, with time for friends and family, community, and the activities you love.  If you’re willing to think outside the cubicle, then this book will help you set your own work hours and reset your life.  You’ll find you can survive and thrive on less than a 40+ hour work week.

This book is your ticket to achieving the ultimate workplace benefit, more time and more money.  You’ll learn how to pay your life first without sacrificing income.  You’ll engage in work that best complements and enhances your skills.  You’ll face the most common fears associated with changing your work approach.  You’ll learn how to structure your work schedule around your personal time.  You’ll even fill your address book with networking contacts who help bring business to your door.

In this book, you’ll get all of the following:
– Expert advice on turning your talents into cash through freelancing and consulting
– Tips and tricks for retaining a steady day job paycheck without the rigid 9-to-5 office schedule
– Passive income techniques including real estate investing and internet marketing
– Valuable ways to run your own business without it running your life
– A ten-step, ten year success program for reinventing your work life

Q: Why are you the best person to write this book?
A: I have over 15 years’ experience in the field of personal growth and motivation.  I earned a dual-degree in Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania and Marketing from the Wharton School of Business.  After graduation, I spent eight years at American Express honing my skills in a variety of areas from business management, marketing, and leadership to talent assessment, development, and employee satisfaction.

Facing 25 more years in an unpredictable corporate job to reach retirement convinced me there had to be a better way.  I desired both personal freedom and career stability to truly take charge of my livelihood.  Right around this time, I also found himself in the Twin Towers on 9/11 when the first plane struck.

Surviving 9/11 was just the push that I needed to properly reevaluate my priorities.  I devoted the next three months to a thorough personal analysis of my strengths.  Recognizing I was talented in public speaking, writing, coaching, and Human Resources consulting, I left American Express to launch  My company inspires people to take action toward working less, earning more, and living a better life through books, live seminars, and personalized consulting.

I’ve shared my insights through appearances on CNN, CBS, NJN, and “Voice of America,” and through interviews with USA Today, the (New York) Daily News, the Denver Post, the Chicago Tribune, and the Boston Herald.  The beauty of my new life is that I do all of this work in three days a week while earning more than double my former corporate salary.  This leaves plenty of time to enjoy life with my wife Carol and our two kids.

Q: How is this book different from other books on this topic?
A: This book is not a get-rich-quick scheme.  It’s not a book about choosing your lucky lottery numbers, trying out for game shows, or trolling beaches with a metal detector.  The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Working Less, Earning More is a practical, clear, and most importantly… attainable game plan for reducing the hours you spend on the job while increasing your income.

Q: Is there anything else we should know about this book?
A: This book is just the beginning of your working less, earning more journey.

You can also visit to take it to the next level.  At the site you can download a free eBook that will give even more tips including:
– Five proven income streams that can help you earn passive income
– Personal productivity tips to accomplish more in less time
– Three simple ways to convert your strengths into huge payoffs
– Money management methods to keep more dollars in your pocket
– How to turn your creative ideas into cash.