Ted Demopoulos: What No One Ever Tells You About Blogging and Podcasting

Question: Who is the intended audience?
Answer: People who want to turbocharge their business with new media like podcasts and blogs

Q: What is the book about?
A: 101 people’s insights into how to use blogs and podcasts to boost our business and profits, including such legends as Dan Janal, Guy Kawasaki, Tom Antion, and Seth Godin.

Q: Why are you the best person to write this book?
A: Blogging has enormously helped my business, including selling speeches, books, and consulting, and even getting me book contracts with major publishers. I’ve helped many others increase their success though blogging and podcasting, through my books, talsk, and mentoring program. I’m also Dan Janal’s Blogmeister, although he needed very little help as he’s a natural!

Q: How is this book different from other books on this topic?
A: The online world is changing so rapidly that no one knows it all, but 101 successful people’s insights can teach you a lot! I interviewed over 400 people, and included the best of the best.