Dan Janal, president of PR LEADSAugust marks the beginning of the 14th year since I started helping authors, speakers, coaches, consultants and small business people with our PR LEADS service. I’m happy to report that our clients have told me of great successes and they’ve rewarded me by being loyal customers for many, many years.
We recently conducted a survey to find out what you wanted. The results were pretty uniform – and I’ve listened to you.
You don’t want irreverent or irrelevant. You want ROI. So we’re changing the name of the newsletter to PR LEADS to Profits. Catchy, n’est pas?
You’ll find actionable ideas on how to get publicity and how to make money from your publicity. You’ll find additional info about my coaching services at PRLEADStoProfits.com
You also asked for more hands-on training and webinars. Look for new courses on the topics you asked for in September!
People also wanted to pick my brain about how to create, build and run a successful business. To that end, I’ll start a new newsletter on “Keeping Customers for Life.” I’ve learned a few things over the past 14 years about how to keep customers coming back month after month, year after year. And those ideas aren’t what you see in normal customer service talks. If your company or association needs a speaker or consultant to show how to maximize the lifetime value of the customer, please consider hiring me. More info at www.janal.com
That’s it for this week. Look for great tips in next week’s PR LEADS to Profits newsletter!
Thanks again for being here!
Remember, we help turn small companies into big names!