Story ideas for Katrina

Experts can help reporters covering the tragedy resulting from Katrina. Here are possible story ideas you can pitch to reporters. I’m also seeing a flood of inquiries from reporters who want help from my PR LEADS experts on the hurricane and its aftermath:

Here are a variety of ideas that can help the victims of the flood by giving them good, solid information to help get their lives back together.

– How can people reduce stress?
– How can people take control of actions when things seem to out of control?
– What can parents do to get their kids in school in new communities?
– How can schools deal with an influx of new students?
– How can teachers work effectively with kids who have been uprooted?
– How have real estate markets been affected in cities that have accepted thousands of refugees?
– How has the rental market been affected?
– How has long-term executive rentals been affected?
– How will people get their government aid checks?
– How will be mail be delivered?
– What is the effect on airlines scheduling and travel?
– What will happen to hundreds of conventions planned for New Orleans?
– With New Orleans getting all the attention, what’s being done to help people in other affected areas? Are they suffering from neglect, as did areas near San Francisco after the earthquake?
– Will people walk away from their mortgages and declare bankruptcy? How can they repair their credit?
– If people default on their home loans, what affect will that have on banks and insurance companies?
– How can New Orleans based companies survive if they don’t have offices or workers?
– How to backup computer data and pictures

There are hundreds of other story ideas, of course. I hope this gets you started to think how you can use your expertise to help those people who need it most.

At PR LEADS, I’ve already received requests from reporters who are moving beyond the Day 1 story and are seeking experts on such areas as:

– consumer spending habits in the wake of Katrina
– cost of building materials after Katrina
– how to do business remotely after Katrina
– should New Orleans be rebuilt
and many others.

Dan Janal
Your Fearless PR LEADER
PR LEADS Expert Resource Network